Message from Guest Minister: Rev. Dr. Bill Nelsen

My wife Margie and I are looking forward to being a part of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Venice during the month of March.  We deeply appreciate the mission of UUCOV, your commitment to open and meaningful discussions, and your dedication to improving the well-being of all people.  I have sought to improve the lives of youth and adults throughout my career in both education and religion.  Margie, with a Master’s in social work, has provided valuable counseling and direction for so many individuals throughout her life and work (including for her husband!).

I am ordained as a pastor in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), a denomination committed to inclusion and reconciliation.  My religious education, however, has been very broad, and I have frequently joined with people of a variety of religious and ethnic backgrounds in social action. I studied side-by-side with Unitarian Universalists at Union Theological Seminary in New York City.

I came to know about UUCOV through enjoyable conversations over the past two years with Jack Head. In preparation for serving you in March, I have observed your services online, and I have had very helpful conversations with Rev. Khleber and a variety of your dedicated and welcoming staff and volunteer leaders.  You will find in this newsletter brief comments about my messages over the four Sundays we will be with you.  These will be based on the just published book that Dr. Darrell Jodock and I authored entitled Embracing Diversity: Faith, Vocation, and the Promise of America.  Darrell will join me for a special adult forum following the service on March 20.  Margie and I are very grateful for the invitation to share these coming weeks with you.

Rev. Bill