“The Cycle of Life in Buddhist Wisdom”

In Buddha’s teachings, he addresses life as a continuum process. He describes this phenomenon as “samsara.” Samsara means there is a cyclical nature to our lives. Birth, existence, and death are just different progressions of the same continuum of life. Mindful observation of this phenomenon provides a deep understanding to stay away from a dualistic approach to life which is why mindfulness practice is crucial in Buddha’s teachings.

My Wish

“My Wish May I become,

Alt times both now and forever,

A protector for those without protection,

A guide for those who have lost their way,

A ship for those with an ocean to cross,

A sanctuary for those in danger,

A lamp for those without light,

A place of refuge for those who lack shelter,

And a servant to all in need.

By means of this meritorious deed,

May I never join with the unwise, only the wise,

Until the time I attain Nirvana.”