Minister’s mUUsings – January 2023

The new year is here, with all the bustle and baggage and resolutions, and plans. The old year is gone, and it is time to quote “Frozen” and say, “Let It Go.”
“Put down the mistakes- you have kicked yourself enough.
Put down the triumphs- you have celebrated enough.
Put down the things that keep you standing in one place, either dancing with joy or wracked with weeping.
Weight is weight.
Let it go.”

Take one step – your burden will still be there where you left it. You can even go back and visit it if you choose. But put it down.Now that you are standing freely, where will you go this year? Who will you become when the weight of expectation and history is no longer clanking at your feet and pulling at your throat?

Who are you – right now, in this moment?

This year your congregation is asking the same questions of itself as you approach the search process.

Who are we now? What can we be as a congregation, if we dare to take another step into our future? And what kind of minister do we want to journey with us into the future we can envision?

I cannot wait to hear the answers, both for you personally and for the congregation as a whole. Who will you dare to be this year?

Rev. Amy