Minister’s mUUsings – February 2023

We are deep in the midst of the season and our snowbirds have all flown back here to Paradise to roost for the winter. It’s a joy to look out at the filled seats and to see people greeting returned friends.

And it’s time to begin an earnest look toward our ministerial search.
Over the past six months I’ve gotten to know many of you, and many of you have stopped in to get to know me. Quite a few of you have asked me the same question- “Why can’t you stay?”

I am so honored by the love and welcome you all have shown me, and by the serious requests for me to stay and become your minister.

I wish I could stay with such bright, funny, active people as yourselves, but I can’t. Nancy has one, soon to be two beautiful grandbabies we long to be closer to.

I am in covenant with the UUMA, and the UUA, and to them I have promised that I will not use the interim system to “go around” the search process. I have promised to share my ministry for a two-year period, and then go forward to another place. Your Board and I did explore this with UUA staff to see if other options were possible, but they are not.

And so, we are ready to find and seat a wonderful search team and begin the exciting work of finding UUCOV a settled minister. Once that Committee is in place, if there are things you love about my ministry, tell them about it! Tell them the things you want in your minister, the pieces that make you smile, or think, or deepen your own spirituality.

Search works if you are willing to share who UUCOV is as a church, and to be honest about what you want from the minister who will take up this journey with you.

UUCOV is a special and amazing place, and I am so grateful to be doing this work with you!

In Love,
