Minister’s mUUsings April 2023

With spring right around the corner, the busy season here at UUCOV is beginning to slow but search years are unlike all others in many ways.

Your Search Committee is just getting started, and they will do a little more each week until we reach the flurry of activity that hopefully comes with a Candidating Week somewhere around this time in 2024. Over the next few months they will be asking questions, and searching for the stories and the history of UUCOV. Please take time to speak with your Search Committee as they reach out to you for information, hold listening sessions and small group meetings, and do all of the things needed to create a UUCOV Search Packet that accurately represents your congregation, it’s wants, and it’s needs.

Life is also pretty exciting throughout our UUA right now. General Assembly is open for registration and the calendar is available online. Go to the website and check it out: This year’s Ware Lecture will feature guest speaker Imani Perry ( and she is not to be missed. You can attend GA on-line or in person, and this year we are lucky enough to have three delegates attending in person and one virtually! Keep your ears and eyes open because our delegates, Marcia Smith, Jan and Steve Simon, and Pat Wellington, are going to be asking you how you feel about the issues they will be voting on at GA! They will also be proudly representing UUCOV in the GA Banner Parade, holding our new banner.

Whether you are a snowbird or a year-round resident, as spring begins, it’s time to ask ourselves, are we ready to wake and feel ourselves growing with new life? Just as we prepare our gardens for the summer, we are called to prepare ourselves. To give ourselves the tools and nutrients we need to burst into bloom. UUCOV is ready to keep growing and blooming, so what will you do this year to help your congregation live into all of its many possibilities?

It’s all here, waiting to be taken.

Happy blooming!

Rev. Amy