Minister’s mUUsings May 2023

It has been an amazing month at UUCOV.

The Search Committee is up and running, beginning the powerful work of making it possible for UUCOV to find a new minister.

Social Justice work has swung into prominence, and members of UUCOV have been attending Sarasota School Board meetings in an effort to disrupt anti-LGBTQ hatred. More social justice efforts are coming, so keep a lookout, especially as we partner with VICA.

VICA (Venice Interfaith Community Association) has recently welcomed two more UUCOV folks onto their Board, Pam Palmer and me, to join the already active John VanCamp! Now, as you are in Search, is the perfect time to explore what community connections like VICA can do for this congregation, especially as social justice efforts and partnerships become increasingly essential here in Florida.

I am also excited because UUCOV is sending five delegates to General Assembly. Being a delegate is an honor, and a bit of work. They will be attending the meetings where the business of our Association occurs, and voting the way we ask them to vote. Kathy Avery and I have two additional votes, as professional staff. Please take the time this month to understand the issues being voted on this year:

  1. The proposed language revision of Article II in the UUA By-laws (the part that currently has the principles and the sources). Here are some frequently asked questions about Article II and more information here at
  2. Voting for UUA President. This year, of the two candidates asked by the UUA Nominating Committee to run, only Rev. Dr. Sofia Betancourt said yes. Sophia is Assistant Professor of Theology and Ethics at Starr King School for the Ministry and has served as temporary Co-President of our UUA after Peter Morales unfortunate resignation. You can find out more about her here: . It is possible to run without being chosen by the Nominating committee, as our current president Rev. Susan Frederick Grey did, but no one chose to run this way this time to oppose Sophia. (Disclosure- I am a member of Sophia’s election support team, and I’m excited to support her).
  1. The 8th Principle Discussion. You can find out more about the issue here: . It is unknown at this time if there will be any voting on any aspect of this issue at the denominational level this year, but it is important that the delegates know how you feel about the idea of this Principle being added to the other seven at the UUA level. Note that this does not directly impact UUCOV, or UUCOV’s decision to adopt or not adopt the 8th

This is your time to shine as you work to discover who you are as a congregation, where you see yourselves in the future, and what you want from your minister. Though many of you are preparing to leave for the summer, the work will go on and you will stay in touch through emails, ZOOM, and YouTube. Please, take the time to complete the Search Committee Survey when it arrives in your email box. Give your opinions, speak your thoughts, share your dreams. Talk to your delegates and talk to your Search Committee and have a lovely time away if you are off to more northern climes for a few weeks or a few months!

