Minister’s MUUsings

This is an amazing time at UUCOV. Energy is high, and visitors and new members are all around.
We are a beacon of light at a very dark time.
But no beacon stays bright without a constant supply of fuel.
If we want our lamps to stay bright, there are some easy ways to create that fuel.
Reach out to a new member or friend and invite them to join your committee or Team. Ask them out for coffee or lunch. Help to make them welcome.
If you aren’t involved anywhere, get involved. Volunteer, join a group and enjoy mat making, or writing, or mahjong. Take a class.
Get connected and help others to get connected.
Connection is the fuel and lifeblood of the congregation. Connection gives us a solid base to build all the rest, because what happens on Sundays is the beginning, not the entirety of congregational life.
One important piece to consider as you work on your connections this year is small group ministry. We are working hard right now to open up more Fellowship Groups, and if you aren’t familiar with them, you should be! Fellowship Groups are wonderful long-term groups of 8 to 10 people who meet twice monthly for discussion and, well, fellowship! Fellowship Groups allow you to form deep, rich friendships where you can discuss important and meaningful topics and share your thoughts in a supportive environment.
Along with the Fellowship Groups, we are trialing a new type of small group this year- SAGE Circles. SAGE Circles are short-term small groups which last for 3 or 6 months. They let you meet people, and engage in interesting discussions, without a long-term commitment. SAGE Circles meet once a month for 3-6 months and then dissolve and reform the following year. Unlike Fellowship Groups, you are in a new group each year and will only meet with those same people for 3-6 months. Leaders will suggest topics each month, but these are casual, so if the topic drifts… well, it’s ok! Keep your eyes out for sign-ups in late winter!
Keep your lights burning, and I look forward to seeing you on Sundays!