UUCOV has a Council to discuss the daily activities of the Congregation.  The Coordinating Council is chaired by the Board Vice President. and the members serve as team leaders of the individual Committees.

The duties of the Coordinating Council are to 1) improve coordination between committees, 2) facilitate the strategic planning process, 3) ensure integration of program planning and financial planning, 4) ensure board policies are implemented at the committee level, and 5) identify issues or concerns that need board attention.

The Vice President conducts monthly meetings with the chairs of the Councils and shares decisions that have been made by the Board of Trustees.  Council Team Leaders bring issues or concerns to the meeting that are then shared by the Vice President with the Board of Trustees.  All meetings of the Coordinating Council are open to any who are interested in attending.

Members of the Coordinating Council:

Audio/Visual Team: Thom Reeves, chair

Caring & Remembrance Team:          Eileen Leapley, Chair
Compassionate Support Group:            Eileen Leapley
Personal Connections Group:                 Kim McHugh

Campus Team:  Bill Dowling and Steve Leapley

Green Sanctuary and Gardening Committee: Donna Jewett, Chair

Communications Team:  Judy Houston and Sally Erb

Membership Team: Anne Harrison, Chair

Welcome Table:  Vivienne Aldrich

Social Activities Team: vacant

Fiscal Team:     Joel Morrison, Chair

Finance:   John Spitzer

Legacy Friends: Mark Murray

Social Justice Team   Brad Hardin, Chair

Social Justice Organizing: John Van Camp

 Other Leaders   

Personnel Committee: Claire Harrison

Community Outreach Committee:        Janet Knudsen, Chair

Connection (newsletter) and Ayleen Howe, office@uucov.org     941-485-2105

Music Committee:    Bill Harrison

Website:   Ayleen Howe and Marcia Smith

Fellowship Groups:       Wendy Voigt

UUCOV Library:           Ruth Boysworth and Cathay Keough