Minister’s mUUsings July 2023

It will be about six months until the first ministers have a chance to look at our search packet, and to decide if UUCOV is the congregation of their dreams.
Six months to know who you are and what you want. Six months for Friends to decide if they want a voice and a vote in the ministerial call.
It’s going to be an amazing six months, as we continue to explore social justice, build on the information you’ve provided in all of the surveys, attend cottage meetings, and think about where you want your new minister to lead you. But your Board and Coordinating Council need you to speak out and step up.
If you want something to change, come to a Board meeting, or speak up at a committee meeting. If you love something UUCOV is doing, tell a Board Member or someone on the Coordinating Council. Go to the sources and speak your truth.
Whether you are near or far for the summer, take some time to think: if the new minister were to ask me today what was good and bad about UUCOV, what would I say?
And once you have your answer?
Tell someone. Tell Rev. Amy or the Board or the Coordinating Council. Bring up the great and the not-so-great in committee meetings.
Help UUCOV to truly be YOUR congregation.
Please remember, as you are thinking, that I will be on vacation from July 17- August 28, 2023. If there is a pastoral care emergency during that time, please call or text me on my cell phone- I will not be checking work email for those six weeks.
Enjoy your summer!
Rev. Amy