Minister’s mUUsings March 2023

As we head into March, we have reached a joyous time in the search process. You have selected your search committee, and they are preparing to begin their work.

So, what now?

Now begins the heart and soul of the search. You will be asked in multiple ways to think deeply about what you want to see in your next minister. You’ll be asked for your opinion on what is best for your congregation, and what its future should look like.

Your job is to help your search committee understand this congregation, and its needs and wants. Your job is to tell the truth, as well as you possibly can, about who this congregation is, and what it can be.

Because you don’t just want A minister. You want to find YOUR minister. A minister whose goals and hopes align with those of UUCOV. A minister whose skills support and deepen those already found here, and add a few new skills in the bargain.

My job during this time is to help you share this information, and to find the places where we can do good work together to continue to make this congregation a wonderful place to be.

We will look for the places where we can learn and stretch and grow, and for the places where we need to do some cleaning and polishing. We’ll find our triumphs so that we can share our best, and also explore any places where we aren’t yet at our best, so that we can find ways together to do better.

Over the past seven months you have proved yourselves to be a congregation of amazing ability, loving community, and astonishing willingness to learn and grow day after day. I look forward to continuing this journey with you over the next 18 months.

Rev. Amy