Minister’s mUUsings – November 2022

The light is changing, and the days are getting shorter. There is a coolness in the morning air, and for some of us, our closets have suddenly sprouted a sweatshirt or jacket and a fringing of scarves. As we prepare for November, after a long summer of heat, it is time to both take a breath and to plunge in.

Fall is a season of many things: Halloween and Thanksgiving, football and soccer. Our bodies shake off the August and September heat as our blood seems to prepare for the cooler months, and our church speeds up into the thick of the busy time of the year.

Here at UUCOV, we are gearing up for search, even as we recover from the stress and mess of Hurricane Ian. This month we will begin exploring our history (watch for small group dates!), building our own theologies (Tuesdays at 2), and so much more.

Take some time for yourself as we prepare for the upcoming holiday season- time to think, to relax, to begin to explore again your own beliefs and journey, theology, and world understanding. Take time for self-care and for self-revelation. Even the most beautiful trees abandon their gaudy painted leaves, and turn inward for a season, preparing to explode again in joy and freshness after a few months of rest.

We need you here at UUCOV, fresh and ready to contribute your voice and your ideas. We need to know where you think the church should go, and where you believe it has been. We need to know what you want in a minister, and what you think would be best for UUCOV.

Here’s to a busy and productive early fall and holiday season. Please feel free to email me if you would like to meet for conversation or questions – I’d love to hear from each and every one of you!

Rev. Amy