Archives: Services

Comfortably Numb

There can be a surfeit even of horror. What do we do when we expect a break which never comes? How do we defend against insidious numbness to the problems of the world?

Humility & Persistence: Qualities for the New Year

As we close out 2024 and look toward the New Year, we will explore the topics of humility and persistence to help guide us into the New Year. What does it mean to be humble? Are most people humble or otherwise? How do humble people behave? And what about persistence. Would you consider yourself a persistent person? What are the benefits of persistence? How is persistence needed in our world today?

One Voice was Heard

Today we are talking about the small streams that wear away the stones. We’re talking about the individual bricks that become a wall, and the slender twigs that become an unbreakable bundle.

We are talking about the power of we, and the strength that one voice can have. Join us!


Who are we? Who were we? How do we allow ourselves to grow, personally and spiritually, and how do we interact with the ghosts of our past? Come and join Rev. Amy Petrie Shaw in an exploration of the things that haunt us and how we exercise and exorcise them.

Our Shared Purpose

For the first time in Unitarian Universalist history, we have declared a shared purpose for our faith—to actively engage our members “in the transformation of the world through liberating Love.” At first blush this may seem like a simple platitude, but this morning we’ll explore the specific ways it puts our faith on a radical and salvific trajectory, one for which most human beings deeply hunger. And nothing could be more important, especially right now.