“Embracing ‘Wonder’ for the Hero in All of Us”

What kind of people does the world need now? This is a question John Pavlovitz asks in his book, Hope and Other Superpowers.”  One of the superpowers he suggests we need to embrace is a connection to “wonder,” because, “Wonder is antivenom  when toxic negativity sweeps in. . .”

In these very challenging, often negative times, how can we cultivate a sense of wonder that is not just a luxury, but a necessity in creating a world of justice, hope and love?

Senior Pastor of SunCoast Metropolitan Community Church, in Venice, Florida and the former Moderator of MCC Churches worldwide. She served on President Obama’s Faith Council, and has been an Aids activist, a leader in religious efforts to fight Climate Change and is a founding board member of Venice Pride. She is married to Dr. Paula Schoenwether and is a devoted birdwatcher.

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