Archives: Services

Let There Be Light

Rosh Hashanah, redemption and getting woke! Today we’re exploring the realization that every day is a new beginning; you just have to wake up!

What is Humanism?

Dr. Dan Dana, a renowned expert in conflict management and organizational behavior, will speak about the Humanists of Sarasota Bay, a group of secular Humanists and freethinkers focused on improving the human condition through rational inquiry, critical thinking, and appropriate action.

Rise Up Singing

Music has always been a way of moving people to action. Join Rev. Amy Petrie Shaw for this exploration of the use of music to set the stage for transformative experience.

Are You Ready For a Miracle?

As UUs we are committed to the responsible search for truth and meaning. Please join us for this service exploring the miraculous and the supernatural in religion, and let’s examine why it’s not true that “UUs can believe anything

What Would…

Please join us this week for a service with special guest William Esty. Will Esty (he/they) is a rising second-year seminarian at Meadville-Lombard Theological School in Chicago, IL. They have a passionate love for music, theatre, and games, and carry a deep reverence for the transcendental power of art and spirituality.

Which World?

Life in the digital age can challenge our desire to live authentic lives. Which you is the real you, and which world is your world? Please join us for this thought provoking service which explores being your true self.

Talking to a Mystery

Prayer- what is it and does it work? Some people claim it causes miracles to happen, others feel that it’s just talking to empty air. Come and explore the idea of prayer as a Unitarian Universalist activity and see if talking to a Mystery is right for you!