Carrying a Suitcase Full of Ugly
What is critical race theory and why do so many people worry about it? Come and learn about CRT and the workings of white supremacy culture.
What is critical race theory and why do so many people worry about it? Come and learn about CRT and the workings of white supremacy culture.
Come and share a hopeful exploration of Martin Luther King Day. The dream is alive, and we can bring it closer to completion.
How can we honor and respect human beings if they are not allowed to make a living wage? Join us for this service on financial justice and economic inequality
Five members attended the UUA General Assembly. We want to share what we learned!
It is never too late to begin again. And again. The old burns away, and the new rises from the ashes, so come and explore the hope inherent in every new beginning and celebrate the coming New Year!
Please join us for this warm Christmas service, and learn about the boy Jesus, known as Emmanuel, “God With Us.”
Salute to Social Justice activism over the 25 year history of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Venice.
Hard work isn’t always the answer; sometimes the only way to succeed is to be still.
What is the promise of our faith, as we move into the future? How will we live into change, and welcome others into beloved communiity? For a congregation in search, these questions are especially important. Will your new minister lead you boldly into the coming days, or do you need support to make change? Is it time for study, or time to act? How will UUCOV live into the promise and the practice of UUism? And what the heck is Article II?
Our voices fade if we do not use them. The voices of others fade from our ears if we do not take the time to listen. Come; raise your voice with us so that it may be heard.