Speaker: Rev. Amy Petrie Shaw

Dancing with the Dead

What is the Day of the Dead, and how is it celebrated? Can anyone do it, or is it only for those of Hispanic heritage? Join us for this joyful celebration of those who have come before! Please feel free to bring pictures of deceased loved ones, or small tokens that remind you of them, or food items they loved to put on the altar!

Don’t Picnic in a Hailstorm

How do you decide what is wise, moral, and ethical to do? When should you choose to suffer? Join us for this look at choosing your own moral and ethical code, and making wise decisions based on it.

Let There Be Light

Rosh Hashanah, redemption and getting woke! Today we’re exploring the realization that every day is a new beginning; you just have to wake up!

Rise Up Singing

Music has always been a way of moving people to action. Join Rev. Amy Petrie Shaw for this exploration of the use of music to set the stage for transformative experience.

Are You Ready For a Miracle?

As UUs we are committed to the responsible search for truth and meaning. Please join us for this service exploring the miraculous and the supernatural in religion, and let’s examine why it’s not true that “UUs can believe anything

Which World?

Life in the digital age can challenge our desire to live authentic lives. Which you is the real you, and which world is your world? Please join us for this thought provoking service which explores being your true self.