Speaker: Rev. Amy Petrie Shaw

Are You Ready For a Miracle?

As UUs we are committed to the responsible search for truth and meaning. Please join us for this service exploring the miraculous and the supernatural in religion, and let’s examine why it’s not true that “UUs can believe anything

Which World?

Life in the digital age can challenge our desire to live authentic lives. Which you is the real you, and which world is your world? Please join us for this thought provoking service which explores being your true self.

Talking to a Mystery

Prayer- what is it and does it work? Some people claim it causes miracles to happen, others feel that it’s just talking to empty air. Come and explore the idea of prayer as a Unitarian Universalist activity and see if talking to a Mystery is right for you!

For Good

How are we called to experience joy? What does it mean to be changed, irrevocably, by the good things we are exposed to? How do you choose to change, not for the better, but for good? Join us for this sermon about the good things in life!

Between the River and the Sea: The Story of Israel and Palestine

This service offers an overview of the history of Israel and Palestine, and of the historical occupations of the region. As “Gaza Support Camps” rise on American college campuses, and the violence in the Middle East continues, what do you need to know to take an informed position, and work toward healing the world?