Speaker: Rev. Amy Petrie Shaw

Blanket Forts and Comfy Chairs

Finding a physical space where you can feel calm and relaxed is essential. This service addresses our human need for place; micro-spaces which let us soothe our hearts and center our minds.

I Am a Patriot

What is the difference between patriotism and nationalism, and how are we called to live our values as citizens of this county?


It Takes Guts to be a Dad

Any fertile man has the potential to father offspring, but it takes real guts to be a dad. Join UUCOV for this warm and welcoming Father’s Day service.

Recreating Masculinity

It’s time to move past toxic masculinity and begin to support men as they explore all of the ways healthy masculinity can present itself. Let’s talk about healthy masculinity, and supporting the masculine people in our lives and our community!