Speaker: Rev. Amy Petrie Shaw

Love Changes Everything

Love is amazing- it can’t be forced or legislated. It knows few bounds and sometimes breaks all rules. Come and share this service on the intersections between love and theology, and let’s talk about what it means to be born again.

God’s Debris

What happens when an atheist creates a thought experiment designed to explore the nature of God? “God’s Debris” is a serious novella by well-known humorist and Dilbert creator Scott Adams. (The original was released free and can be found here: http://nowscape.com/godsdebris.pdf) This service will explore the ideas postulated in God’s Debris

Starting Over

It is never too late to begin again. And again. The old burns away, and the new rises from the ashes, so come and explore the hope inherent in every new beginning and celebrate the coming New Year!

Unto You

Please join us for this warm Christmas service, and learn about the boy Jesus, known as Emmanuel, “God With Us.”

Widening the Circle: UUism for All of Us

What is the promise of our faith, as we move into the future? How will we live into change, and welcome others into beloved communiity? For a congregation in search, these questions are especially important. Will your new minister lead you boldly into the coming days, or do you need support to make change? Is it time for study, or time to act? How will UUCOV live into the promise and the practice of UUism? And what the heck is Article II?