Speaker: Rev. Amy Petrie Shaw

Starting Over

It is never too late to begin again. And again. The old burns away, and the new rises from the ashes, so come and explore the hope inherent in every new beginning and celebrate the coming New Year!

Unto You

Please join us for this warm Christmas service, and learn about the boy Jesus, known as Emmanuel, “God With Us.”

Widening the Circle: UUism for All of Us

What is the promise of our faith, as we move into the future? How will we live into change, and welcome others into beloved communiity? For a congregation in search, these questions are especially important. Will your new minister lead you boldly into the coming days, or do you need support to make change? Is it time for study, or time to act? How will UUCOV live into the promise and the practice of UUism? And what the heck is Article II?

All Good Gifts

All are welcome at this warm and family friendly service about giving thanks and cultivating thankfulness. This service includes a 25th anniversary Salute to Music at UUCOV!

A Church is Born

Join us for this joyous service celebrating the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Venice and its 25th Anniversary! The service will feature special guest Rev. Susanne Nazian, and a special Salute to the UUCOV Pioneers!

Blanket Forts and Comfy Chairs

Finding a physical space where you can feel calm and relaxed is essential. This service addresses our human need for place; micro-spaces which let us soothe our hearts and center our minds.