Speaker: Rev. Amy Petrie Shaw

All Good Gifts

All are welcome at this warm and family friendly service about giving thanks and cultivating thankfulness. This service includes a 25th anniversary Salute to Music at UUCOV!

A Church is Born

Join us for this joyous service celebrating the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Venice and its 25th Anniversary! The service will feature special guest Rev. Susanne Nazian, and a special Salute to the UUCOV Pioneers!

Blanket Forts and Comfy Chairs

Finding a physical space where you can feel calm and relaxed is essential. This service addresses our human need for place; micro-spaces which let us soothe our hearts and center our minds.

I Am a Patriot

What is the difference between patriotism and nationalism, and how are we called to live our values as citizens of this county?  

It Takes Guts to be a Dad

Any fertile man has the potential to father offspring, but it takes real guts to be a dad. Join UUCOV for this warm and welcoming Father’s Day service.