Speaker: Rev. Amy Petrie Shaw

Kindness Isn’t Always Nice

Isn’t religion supposed to be nice? No. No, it isn’t. You are thinking of manners. Manners, those are nice. Religion is not nice. It isn’t supposed to be nice. Religion has teeth. And sometimes it bites down.  

“Love Ain’t Pie”

Love takes different forms at different times; romantic, parental, sexual, neighborly, and more. But love isn’t pie. You don’t run out as you give pieces away. Come and join us as we explore the many faces of love.    

“Be Naked”

Authentic relationship underlies and supports the work of social justice and community building. Come and join Reverend Amy Petrie Shaw in this exploration of compassion, vulnerability, authenticity, and unnecessary fig leaves. There will be a New Member Welcome included this week!

“Sermon on the Amount”

Each of us is only one thread in an amazing tapestry, but if we were missing, the picture would be forever changed. Come and explore generosity as a spiritual practice, and gain a better understanding of both why churches need good stewards and what stewardship does for you. Click to View: