Speaker: Rev. Amy Petrie Shaw

Welcome Wagons and Birthday Balloons

What does it mean to offer the outsider radical welcome? How do we let go of ownership and embrace inclusion? Is everybody really welcome? Join Rev. Amy Petrie Shaw in exploring these questions and more.  

Blessing and Bailing

The earth is our big blue boat, and we’re all in this together. Do you have the courage to examine right relationship with an entire planet?  

“Who Are You?”

Who are you? Where do you come from? What shapes the life you lead? This service will investigate culture, history, and story-telling as pieces of our life travels. https://youtu.be/qgEeEtqtDbM

“It Ain’t Heavy; It’s Our Ministry”

Unitarian Universalism welcomes “the ministry of all believers,” so why do we train and ordain ministers? Come to this service and let’s explore various ideas of ministry, and the weight of the stole we all wear as we minister to and witness one another.

“Always Start Clean”

How do we wash ourselves clean and begin again? What physical rituals help to remind us that renewal and rebirth are not just in our heads? This service examines the role of ritual and physical action in theology. Click to view: https://youtu.be/Z-29k94l8H0