Speaker: Rev Khleber Van Zandt

“Beginning with Goodbye”

It is said we live like the bodhisattvas, one foot on earth and one foot in eternity.  This is more difficult than it might sound, for there is always and forever a goodbye hidden within each hello.  We were traveling when we found this special … read more.

“It’s Up To You”

In the life path of any individual or organization, there come inflection points when it makes a profound difference which road one chooses to take.  This congregation has arrived at one of those critical junctures, and it’s up to you to answer, “Which kind of … read more.

“The Arc of the Universe”

The more we examine the legacy of racism and white supremacy in our culture and in our lives, one might begin to wonder just which moral universe Theodore Parker and Martin Luther King were talking about when they said it “bends towards justice.”

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“Peace, Love, and Understanding”

The Nick Lowe song, “What’s So Funny ‘Bout Peace, Love, and Understanding,” is a wry take on generational divides.  We’re going to need to bridge those divides and more in order to build the sort of world – and congregational community – we seek.

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“Toward Possibilities”

In Turning to One Another, the late Margaret Bowens Wheatley wrote, “There is no power greater than a community discovering what it cares about.”  Our work together as a congregation is just that:  figuring out what we care about and exploring possibilities for change in … read more.

Christmas Eve Service

Dec. 24, 2021: 6:00pm  “Angels We Have Heard”
Christmas Eve

Rev. Khleber Van Zandt

A traditional Christmas Eve service -We’ll read some ancient birth narratives, sing some old hymns, and celebrate a season of hope together by candlelight.

After the service there will be coffee hour … read more.

“Wait Here”

UU author John Taylor writes, “If there were no Advent, we would need to invent one.”  Even as we honor this season of darkness, we light candles of hope and begin the long wait for the return of the light.



“The Unsettled Minister ”

This congregation has had five ministers in its 23 years, only one of them identified as a ‘Settled Minister.’  What does it mean that a minister is ‘settled’?  And what happens when they become unsettled?


“The Light in the Temple”

Hannukah recalls the Maccabean revolt and God’s miraculous lighting of the temple.  While we’re scurrying about in December, let’s remember to take time to notice the miracle of the light.



“Needing to Be Kneaded”

Bread Communion

The process of making bread requires that dough be left alone to rise, then beaten and broken before being left to rise again – a loaf of bread needs to be kneaded in order to reach its full potential.