Speaker: Rev Khleber Van Zandt

“Faith in the Marvelous”

In Rabindranath Tagore’s Crossing, the poet recalls that in his childhood, “faith in the marvelous bloomed anew each dawn.”  How can we keep that childlike ability to find joy in the world amidst the accumulating tragedies of living in a post-apocalyptic age?





“Any Questions?”

You may have heard it said, “He who asks a question risks being a fool for five minutes, but he who doesn’t ask risks being a fool forever.”  For this Sunday, the minister invites you to send him questions you’d like to be answered during … read more.

Faith in the Far Horizon

Service at the Beach – Maxine Barritt Park

Lots of us go to the beach to enjoy the sunset.  What do you think is beyond the horizon that’s visible to you that evening?


Buffalo Run

Indigenous Peoples’ Day

At the Battle of Little Big Horn, indigenous Americans stood up to an attacking force of federals.  We know a lot about the battle, but it’s still hard to separate fact from fake news.




Breaking News

The meaning of the term ‘breaking news’ has been all but destroyed by its overuse in broadcast media. But sometimes a news item does change the way the world looks, at least on a very small scale.


“Just Hospitality”



The late Yale theologian Letty Russell’s life’s work was to overcome the oppression and exclusion of those who are “different,” which she said includes all of us in some way.  She said we don’t just practice hospitality for no reason – … read more.

“The Idolatry of Inerrancy”

We religious liberals often look askance at those who take sacred texts literally and uncritically as “the inerrant word of God.”  How is it possible, then, that we’d ever fall prey to the same failings?