The Minister’s Column – Rev. Dennis McCarty

When I arrived in Venice, January 25, 2020, to serve as your six-month Sabbatical Minister, I had no idea what I was getting into. That is, I’d perceived you as a forward-looking, high-energy congregation, and I sincerely respected your Minister. But none of us realized the changes we would face due to the COVID pandemic, lurking just around the corner.

Well, here we go again. Right after I agreed to be your first stop on your “Minister of the Month Club” tour, 🙂 along came the omicron variant. So away we go again! But I’m coming down anyway, not least because it’s only a month. I figure that no matter what happens, I’ll be able to forge ahead for that long. (We did before—together.)

One consequence of the pandemic has been the so-called “Great Resignation.” People are re-evaluating their lives and leaving employment they deem too exhausting and/or unrewarding. That has, unfortunately, included ministers of every tradition, including Unitarian Universalist ministers. I think any UU minister could testify that ministry is, in fact, rewarding. But it’s also difficult, and often frustrating.

As a result, you are going into Search at a time when there is a drastic shortage of Interim Ministers, as well as ministers in searching for new congregations.

I have been watching your Rev. Van Zandt’s final few services. His January 9 service was wonderful for multiple reasons, but one was his list of things to keep in mind as you prepare your Search Packet. As a congregation you have a lot of good things going for you. You don’t have to be perfect. But you’ll do yourselves a real favor if you keep in mind the intense competition between searching congregations this year, and seriously ponder the issues he brought up. In the end, you will be glad you did.

I admire Rev. Van Zandt and feel deep respect for the conscientious manner in which he is preparing you for Search. I also look forward to my own time with this group of people, who genuinely enjoy and appreciate being with one another. You are a “fellowship of seekers” indeed.

See you on Sunday!
Rev. Dennis