UUCOV Book Club

Saints at the RiverThursday, March 11th, 1:00 pm

The book selection for March is Saints at the River, by Ron Rash.

“Ron Rash has written a book about the deepest human themes: the love of the land, the hold of the dead on the living, and the need to dive beneath the surface to arrive at a deeper truth.” A beautifully written story of a town divided by a tragedy.

All are welcome. It is understood that our chalice is lit and we are in covenant with each other. Patience is needed. Join us, a few minutes early if possible, so that we can all get set up. In the spirit of getting comfy with zoom. we will try to all stay muted and raise our hands to speak. I will try to call on you and you can break in and remind me that you are ready to speak if I don’t. We will begin with a very short bio of the author then will go around the circle to quickly tell our names – we have some newer members -and what we thought of the book. Then we’ll have a general discussion.

For more information speak to Barbara Smith at 941-786-8559 or nosrub321@gmail.com.

Book Club meetings are scheduled for the second Thursday of the month.

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