Category: Ministers Corner

An Ethic of Compassion

In my years with this congregation, I have often remarked on what a peculiar group we are theologically – atheists and Humanists, Christians and Jews, Buddhists and none-of-the-above.  Often we do pretty well at getting along even in the face of our differences.  Some of … read more.

Comfort, Challenge, and All the Rest

Minister’s Corner

“So provocative!” the woman had said, responding to some of the religious-sounding words she’d heard used at church.  Others chimed in:  “I’m not comfortable with this kind of language,” and “I’m bothered by these concepts,” and then the sentiment most often repeated, “I just … read more.

Rev. Khleber M. Van Zandt V

On October 3rd, I announced that I will retire in four months, on January 31, 2022.

The Board of Trustees has taken steps toward hiring an Interim Minister to arrive on or near February 1st, 2022.  The Board has now been in contact with … read more.