Minister’s mUUsings June 2023

Minister’s mUUsings June 2023

It has been a fruitful 10 months here at UUCOV. You created an amazing Search Team, and they began their work with enthusiasm and devotion. The Strategic Plan Team worked hard, talking with group after group, and you have a final report and summary of strategic priorities ready to be released and used.

We were hit with a Category 5 hurricane, and came away with minimal catastrophic damage, a new digital sign, and a quickly cleaned yard.

Nothing seems to be able to sink this marvelous congregation.

And there is more in front of us.

We are entering the busiest time of the search cycle- the seven months leading up to the release of our information packet for ministers to see.
In this time, you are going to be asked for all kinds of information, in multiple ways, so that the Search Team can create that packet.

The intent is simple; to find out who we are and who we want to be, so that potential ministers can decide if we might be the place for them.

There will be cottage meetings, and a survey or two. Whole church meetings to explain things, others to ask questions.

The Search Team, and the entirety of the congregation, need you to participate in this process. Understanding who you want to be your minister is essential for a new ministry to succeed.

If you have questions or concerns about the process, please talk to me or to a member of the Search Team. We want you to be heard, and your thoughts matter.

Rev. Amy